Saturday, July 14, 2007

Wired or Tired?

Hippy Guy:
KDOG, Radio Free America. Ok, I'm back. Whew! Thanks, Nana that was a really great set.
Can I just complain a little? Just a little? What are these computer people thinking? We have a new computer in the studio and I bought this setup to transfer everything from the old computer to the new one. And the instructions say to back up everything before you transfer it because it might like, go poof. Hey. If I could back up all that stuff, I wouldn't have needed your product.
Ok. So, that's just for insurance purposes so nobody sues their butts
off if something goes wrong. So, I'm like, well, it's a 50/50 shot here, I didn't back it up, and maybe it will all go poof, and maybe it won't. Wouldn't it be nice if they gave you some odds? Like one in a hundred it will go poof, or one in a thousand. But no, as far as I know it's a 50/50 chance because they don't want to say just how often their product will mess you up! That's too much *oink* if you get what I'm saying. Too much *oink*! Oink is like spam, but worse, it's just wherever there is unchecked greed and they could give a squat about us the consumers. They'd let us have a stroke waiting to see if we lost our whole music library or what. Am I just being paranoid here? Lol.
You're listening to KDOG, Radio Free America. We're going to do up some Morning Tunes and we're going to kick it off with some Cat Stevens.
Let me see those instructions again...

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