Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Hangin' Out

Po Man Sings:
Hello everybody, you're listening to KDOG, Radio Free America. We're just hanging out around the station this morning. You know, we just sort of wing it around here we never know what's going to happen.
Hippy Guy:
That's right, man.
Po Man Sings:
We live here at the station.
Hippy Guy:
What I want to know is how come I always end up doing the dishes.
Po Man Sings:
You'll be rewarded in heaven.
Hippy Guy:
Yeah, that's what my former employer used to tell me. Oh well, I could use the good karma. Besides, we gotta eat. Speakin' of which, I'm gonna make some coffee.
Po Man Sings:
Don't eat the coffee. Remember what happened the last time.
Hippy Guy:
You just had to bring that up, eh? Listeners, don't ever put instant coffee in horse capsules and swallow them. You never forget anything. I told you, I was like 16 when that happened. I was sick all day.
Po Man Sings:
Ok, ok. Just kidding. While you make some coffee, I'll do... What? The political thing.
Hippy Guy:
It's your thing.
Po Man Sings:
Was reading some political stuff this morning and came across an article about a bunch of former intelligence people who seem to believe that Bush is nuts. We've talked about that a lot on the show. Here's a guy who has his pants tailored to look as though he's bow legged. Well, they look that way. So I'm guessing it's an image thing. Now, you know, democrats spend hundreds of dollars on haircuts. And the republicans make a big deal about it. Even though republicans spend thousands on make-up. Make-up. Well, have you noticed that most of them would be fools to pay so much for a hair cut because they don't have much hair left anyway. So they go for the make up. Thousands of dollars. But the press goes on about the haircuts. What does that tell us?
Have you ever seen the photo of George Herbert Walker Bush without his toupee? Oh, God. He really looks creepy. And I'm thinking, that's why his hair always looked like he had a dead cat on top of his head. Could be. Hey! George! What a shocking bad hat. That's why we call him Hairy Hat. Hairy Hat, upon which a dead cat sat. Poor old, poor old Hairy Hat. Who smells as if the dead cat shat.
George is always around here you know. The big mystery is why he won't leave. Not like he's wanted here or anything. Not like he does anything but piss us off. But he won't go away. He says that Dick Cheney makes him stay here. So, sometimes we just make him part of the show. Nowhere else, ladies and gentlemen, will you be able to hear stuff like this. We stopped allowing him on the show after he tried to bump us off the last few times though. "Take yourself! Take yourself!" Just because we were upset about something. Isn't it a crime to tell some disabled person with mental issues to hurt themselves? I think it is. The UFO Police got a little upset with him for that. So did we. So we stopped making him part of the show, except by necessity the "Keeping the Beast at Bay" segments when we're trying to, you know, have a private moment of one kind or another and he becomes really aggressive. That's when we , heh, heh, heh, just open the mic. You know, just taking a shower and George starts making vile conversation and making obscene noises and stuff, and I'm like, tell Congress all about it George. Go ahead. I'm busy.
Now, is it really George Bush or one of his alter personalities? Well, I certainly think so.
By the way, you're listening to KDOG Radio Free America, brought to you by Alien Technologies. Every day we're bringing down the vast right wing conspiracy. We hope that you're having a great time wherever you are and whatever your doing.
It's time for some coffee, so for the moment, back to the music. KDOG. We'll be around...
Music: Electromagnetism by Human Radio

Monday, July 23, 2007

Mental Toxins

Po Man Sings
Hello, everybody, you're listening to KDOG, Radio Free America. My name is Po Man Sings.
Bush tells the Surgeon General not to talk about mental health issues. It was in all the news. Not to talk about a bunch of stuff, but included in that was an order not to talk about mental health issues. Yeah. And to mention Bush three times every speech or something like that. Why? Why should the Surgeon General not speak to mental health concerns?
Mind control? Could it be that an enormous portion, or even some small but highly significant portion of the mentally ill are ill because of mental toxins caused by mind control and propaganda? You know, propaganda in this sense, to include how mental illnesses are to be diagnosed or treated. What if "n" number of such cases are caused deliberately to squelch dissent or whistle blowing, and that little detail is one that they don't want anyone to be thinking about?
Well, lets think about it anyway. The NSA is in charge of who gets to know what, you know. Whether or not something is to be classified, whether it's coming out of the government, Universities or out of the mental health industry. Mental illness. Natural causes? No problem. The guy is nuts. Warehouse him. It's the government mind control stuff? Paranoid. Delusional.
MKULTRA, synthetic telepathy, bio-electromagnetic weapons... So what. Paranoid. Delusional.
Of course it couldn't be anything like mind control. But anywhere else in the health industry, well, known facts are possibilities. Could be that someone has deliberately poisoned someone's thinking. That's what mind control does.
Why? Because you're not supposed to be thinking about how to keep the government honest. You're not supposed to complain when they destroy your life. You have the right to remain silent or suffer the consequences. Period. No phone call. No hearing. Nothing like that. You're just told to shut up if you know what's good for you and marginalized over in the nut bin. Vegetable farming is what they call it.
No Bill of Rights. No human rights. Just whatever some Nazi program says should be. Yeah, yeah. Nazis are an over reach? Tell me about operation Paperclip and the intelligence community. Where are all those Nazis today? When did Nazism die? Where can we go to relieve ourselves on it's grave?
It didn't die. It became part of our intelligence community. And then took over. That's why MKULTRA still exists, despite it's having been banned by Congress. It just went from dark to black ops. Hey. Tell me what CIA money is used for. Nobody knows. Not that such a criminal enterprise would need tax dollars, except that Nazis are the cheapest people in the world. Count on it. You know what I think? I don't think the Nazis ever really hated Jews. I think that they wanted their money. And I think they feared Jews. Jewish people have a conscience. Unlike Nazis.
You're listening to KDOG, Radio Free America with Po Man Sings. Can I take a moment to explain something? We're not doing counter propaganda here. We're doing anti propaganda. Counter propaganda is like, well, one party tells their lies, the other persons tell their lies... and may the best lies win. Anti propaganda exposes propaganda entirely, it's reasons, it's methods. You know. Like keep up that steady pro Bush drum beat. Three times per speech.
Propaganda relies on emotional responses because the position that the propagandist is taking is void of reason. You know. Statistics don't matter if you have some heart rendering anecdote. That's called anecdotalism. Stuff like that. Doesn't matter if there was one such case and thousands of others that support an opposing view.
Then all of the fear factor stuff. Something bad could happen. Better watch out. Better pass some laws before it's too late. But it doesn't stand to reason in the long run if people give it any more thought than to just not their heads in emotional agreement of the gesture.
You want to stop crime? Lock everybody up. You want to stop auto accidents from happening? Ban cars. You can't have freedom in a society without taking some risks. We've become such a control freak nation that we, I read the report somewhere, we lock up something like 40% more people than Russia does. More than any other nation on the planet, if I remember correctly. I'll have to go dig out the report. Most civilized nations know that freedom is a bit of a trade off, and that in order for justice to be justice it has to be lenient. Because if it's not, it tends to create more injustices than it resolves.
KDOG, Radio Free America. We'll be around...
Music: House of Shame by Buddah Heads

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Late Night Program

Hippy guy:
KDOG, Radio Free America. Was just sitting around looking through our music library and started thinking about all of the great rock, pop and alternative songs that would be good in the movies.

You know, the cameraman and the music work together at showing us things about the characters. We see from the angle shots and the music from the audience perspective what's going on with the character long before they do. But it, well, it's like the camera angles and the music are always getting us to suspect what's next. And there's something kind of rewarding in that. Just a wee bit of suspense and then the payoff that we're usually right in a general way, but sometimes just as surprised as the character when the unforeseeable occurs. Ain't movies cool?

Hey, it's late night and you're listening to KDOG with The Hippy Guy. Well, it's late night where I am. It could be any time where you are. Our program goes out around the country, around the world, and across the universe. Nixon, Bush. It's like deja vu all over again. And, well, for me, I think that has to do with American forgetfulness. Every generation seems to end up fighting it's own war, simply because they haven't learned the lessons of history. We simply didn't know, didn't appreciate, or didn't remember why war itself is a failure, not a road to success. But, well, it's up to every generation to teach the youngsters and not to let them forget. And unfortunately we can't always count on the media to do these things unless we regulate corporate money making interests in the media. Otherwise, public opinions are for sale to the highest bidder rather than based upon education, facts, reason and public responsibilities.

The news, you know. It shouldn't be a business. It should be first and foremost a public service. After which, if they do it well and it makes more , money more power to them.

Music: Teach Your Children by Crosby, Stills and Nash

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Reality Radio

Po Man Sings:
KDOG, Radio Free America.

Can we be really honest for a minute? We try to make the show entertaining and interesting. But sometimes we do reality radio. It's not quite like reality TV, it's not at all preplanned. I'll be going at it with the electronic harassment people, the mind controllers... You know their synthetic telepathy. And sometimes I'll get really steamed. Really steamed. And so I let everybody listen to the perp. Usually that settles him down.

But then sometimes I just loose it. And we allow that, so people will know how I deal with these things and how real they are. Then they'll know how utterly creepy it is. And, well, it's a bit of hard reality sometimes. I get really steamed.

KDOG, Radio free America. Just wanted to through that out there. Let you know. That's how things get sometimes. We're working hard every day, ev-ery day, to bring down the vast right wing conspiracy. Maybe we'll talk about that later. KDOG. We'll be around...


The Mindstorm Chronicles

A work of fiction?
A work of nonfiction?
The work of insanity?
You decide.

Morning Tunes

Hippy Guy:
Good morning everybody. KDOG, Radio Free America.... heh,heh...
Music: Headwires by Foo Fighters
Music: My Morning Song by The Black Crowes
You're listening to Morning Tunes with the Hippy Guy here on K-D-O-G...
Music: Tracks in the Dust by David Crosby
Music: Old Dan's Record's by Gordon Lightfoot
It's time for the morning Chemtrail Report. But we have a rainy morning and all that can be seen from here are clouds. In fact, it's either been too smoky from the forest fires or too cloudy to see any chemtrails for the last few days. Doesn't mean that they're not up there above the cloud cover. There may not be. Who knows?
We hope that wherever you are and whatever you're doing you're having a good time, thanks for listening to KDOG, Radio Free America. We're fighting the vast right wing conspiracy here every day. Every day. And you can be a part of it. You can be a part of history, man. You can say, yeah, I did my part. We stuck it to 'em. The Justice drive needs you. There are people out there dieing somewhere in the world every minute because of the vast right wing conspiracy, one way or another. We just can't take these people down soon enough. And if you've been reading the news you can see that we really have the upper hand.
It's all been like a covert world war. It's history happening and people will know about all of this stuff one day, and maybe soon. Your children may be asking you one day, what did you do in the war? What was it like? Just some things to think about.
Ok. Back to the music. You're listening to KDOG. Here's a twofer for ya. We'll be around...
Music: Freedom Knows My Name by Melanie
Wear It Like a Flag by Melanie

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Universe Wide Web

Thanks again for listening to KDOG, Radio Free America, I'm Po Man Sings. You know, there's so much that has gone on in my life that it's hard to keep up with everything that's happened over the decades. But before I go into things a bit more deeply, the first thing you should know if you don't already, if you're new to KDOG, is that I'm insane. By definition, people who hear voices are insane, even though we now know that the government, and this is documented, has synthetic telepathy which will cause people to hear voices. The same people who decide what the public can know about synthetic telepathy, however, are the same people who make the decisions as to what the public can know about psychiatry. So when does the Diagnostic Statistics Manual recognize that hearing voices may be indicative of mind control abuses? Whenever the NSA says it's ok to do so. Not before.
Alright, so I make no secret of the fact that I hear voices. I make no secret of the fact that, thanks to MKULTRA, I have multiple personalities. It's out in the open. I accept it as a fact of life, why shouldn't you. I mean, at least to that extent.
So why would you believe me if I'm insane? Maybe you will, maybe you won't. But I think that I make more sense of things than most people, and I think that, well, if it makes more sense, just plain old common sense, well, why shouldn't the listener find it compelling? No matter how wild the story may seem, if it explains a lot of things it should be worthy of consideration. Right?
You're listening to KDOG, Radio Free America, and my name is Po Man Sings.
Ok, so with all of those disclaimers out of the way, maybe you want to know more about KDOG, about Alien Technologies and all of that. Not an easy subject. But that's no reason not to go into it.
A long, long time ago, after years of talking to aliens telepathically, I began to understand that they're all sort of hooked up telepathically in a way where they don't need any hardware. No radios, no headsets, nothing like that. Just telepathy. Then I began to think about how that could benefit our world. But, well, you know, at any given time some people want everyone to be informed and other people would have us to remain ignorant. You know, educated slaves get uppity. And there are people with secrets to protect, illusions to perpetuate. Hey. It wasn't going to be easy. But few things really worth doing are easy.
These thoughts came to decades ago, before there was an Internet, let alone a world wide web. I mean, imagine, at the time, having no preexisting paradigm for such a thing. Wow. How can you, you know, begin to conceptualize something so huge that's never existed here before? If telepathically, the aliens could do just about anything, well, from anywhere at any time people could connect and share information, without any need for devices whatsoever. None. A mind is all that's needed. Well, and the willingness to participate. Then it occurred to me, or maybe I was just picking up on how it works for them, I don't know, that you could have groups to work with, stuff like that. Then we began to think about how computer technology would be a stepping stone in our understanding. You know, we go places that don't really exist. Chat rooms. Community centers. Bulletin areas. Stuff like that. And since there is no square footage in those areas at all, well it means that other than the way the pixels are arranged and everything it took to get them that way, these places exist in our minds and nowhere else. It's all metaphor, metaphor, metaphor.
In fact, you can't hardly imagine anything new without employing some metaphor about something old, something familiar. It's like trying to imagine a color that you've never seen before. Best we can do is compare it with something familiar. At least at first. That's the most effective way to communicate. Sort of like, you know, use what already exists in the computer. Or in the mind. Why reinvent the wheel every time?
So it seemed to me that the Net, and the Web, were just how we were going to cut our teeth on understanding a Universal Web that's purely telepathic. Then we could begin to conceptualize such a thing.
Now knowing that this was somewhere way down the road in our future, I thought, you know I was talking to the aliens about this, that they should help develop computer science along these lines, which I guess for them was probably like, "Duh. Yeah, huh." I don't know. When minds, what, meld or something, it becomes difficult to tell your own thoughts from theirs. And why should it matter anyway, so long as you think and feel alike about something?
So I suggested that we also work on our networking, getting ready to hook everybody up telepathically here first, because, well, wow. Imagine the confusion if everybody just found themselves hooked up to the aliens network all of a sudden. Besides, it seemed like the perfect solution for everything that was really wrong with the world. No more lies. No more secrets. No more illusions. No more propaganda. Just the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. And you know, that telepathic network is more like the World Wide Web than the Internet, because it allows for images and sounds, not just dialog. Presentation is a big part of communication.
Anyway, I thought, and here I am discussing this with aliens, you know, just one while the others listened in because, well, it's mind blowing enough as it is. Maybe we should begin to set up the World Wide Telepathic Web, you know, establish it. Practice it. Conceptualize it so that it's ready to go when it becomes time to do it, or whenever it becomes really necessary. So we tried out a little here and there. And, well, you know, it seemed sort of corny at the time to compare it with broadcasting. Like a network. But, well, have to start somewhere. And, well, starting with familiar as possible might not be the worst way to go. So, as, mmm, boots on the ground so to speak, somebody with an absolutely human perspective, I volunteered to help with research and development. I mean, by then I'd known the aliens for a long, long time.
Well, that meant that I would have to sort of study broadcasting, get some experience with it. And the alien networking made that possible. Hey. Under those circumstances, no fortune. No fame. Nothing like that. Just networking. Information sharing. Ideas. You'd be surprised how much broadcast people are looking for content. And how many of them want to help the world. A lot of people go into broadcasting with that idea in mind, you know? Maybe some of them will remember me from over the decades where we bumped into each other. Maybe they won't. Doesn't matter. I don't want it to seem like I'm trying to hitch a ride on anyone's coat tails or anything. Besides, it's the professionals who put the real magic into these ideas that I had now and then. Not me. They can take a sow's ear and make it into a silk purse. Not me.
Alright. I gotta move on to other things for now. You've been listening to KDOG, Radio Free America. My name is Po Man Sings, and we've been brought to you by Alien Technologies. By the way, thanks to all of our whistle blowers who are participating in The Justice Drive. Don't forget to thank the UFO Police for keeping you and your families safe from the vast right wing conspiracy. KDOG, we'll be around...