Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Universe Wide Web

Thanks again for listening to KDOG, Radio Free America, I'm Po Man Sings. You know, there's so much that has gone on in my life that it's hard to keep up with everything that's happened over the decades. But before I go into things a bit more deeply, the first thing you should know if you don't already, if you're new to KDOG, is that I'm insane. By definition, people who hear voices are insane, even though we now know that the government, and this is documented, has synthetic telepathy which will cause people to hear voices. The same people who decide what the public can know about synthetic telepathy, however, are the same people who make the decisions as to what the public can know about psychiatry. So when does the Diagnostic Statistics Manual recognize that hearing voices may be indicative of mind control abuses? Whenever the NSA says it's ok to do so. Not before.
Alright, so I make no secret of the fact that I hear voices. I make no secret of the fact that, thanks to MKULTRA, I have multiple personalities. It's out in the open. I accept it as a fact of life, why shouldn't you. I mean, at least to that extent.
So why would you believe me if I'm insane? Maybe you will, maybe you won't. But I think that I make more sense of things than most people, and I think that, well, if it makes more sense, just plain old common sense, well, why shouldn't the listener find it compelling? No matter how wild the story may seem, if it explains a lot of things it should be worthy of consideration. Right?
You're listening to KDOG, Radio Free America, and my name is Po Man Sings.
Ok, so with all of those disclaimers out of the way, maybe you want to know more about KDOG, about Alien Technologies and all of that. Not an easy subject. But that's no reason not to go into it.
A long, long time ago, after years of talking to aliens telepathically, I began to understand that they're all sort of hooked up telepathically in a way where they don't need any hardware. No radios, no headsets, nothing like that. Just telepathy. Then I began to think about how that could benefit our world. But, well, you know, at any given time some people want everyone to be informed and other people would have us to remain ignorant. You know, educated slaves get uppity. And there are people with secrets to protect, illusions to perpetuate. Hey. It wasn't going to be easy. But few things really worth doing are easy.
These thoughts came to decades ago, before there was an Internet, let alone a world wide web. I mean, imagine, at the time, having no preexisting paradigm for such a thing. Wow. How can you, you know, begin to conceptualize something so huge that's never existed here before? If telepathically, the aliens could do just about anything, well, from anywhere at any time people could connect and share information, without any need for devices whatsoever. None. A mind is all that's needed. Well, and the willingness to participate. Then it occurred to me, or maybe I was just picking up on how it works for them, I don't know, that you could have groups to work with, stuff like that. Then we began to think about how computer technology would be a stepping stone in our understanding. You know, we go places that don't really exist. Chat rooms. Community centers. Bulletin areas. Stuff like that. And since there is no square footage in those areas at all, well it means that other than the way the pixels are arranged and everything it took to get them that way, these places exist in our minds and nowhere else. It's all metaphor, metaphor, metaphor.
In fact, you can't hardly imagine anything new without employing some metaphor about something old, something familiar. It's like trying to imagine a color that you've never seen before. Best we can do is compare it with something familiar. At least at first. That's the most effective way to communicate. Sort of like, you know, use what already exists in the computer. Or in the mind. Why reinvent the wheel every time?
So it seemed to me that the Net, and the Web, were just how we were going to cut our teeth on understanding a Universal Web that's purely telepathic. Then we could begin to conceptualize such a thing.
Now knowing that this was somewhere way down the road in our future, I thought, you know I was talking to the aliens about this, that they should help develop computer science along these lines, which I guess for them was probably like, "Duh. Yeah, huh." I don't know. When minds, what, meld or something, it becomes difficult to tell your own thoughts from theirs. And why should it matter anyway, so long as you think and feel alike about something?
So I suggested that we also work on our networking, getting ready to hook everybody up telepathically here first, because, well, wow. Imagine the confusion if everybody just found themselves hooked up to the aliens network all of a sudden. Besides, it seemed like the perfect solution for everything that was really wrong with the world. No more lies. No more secrets. No more illusions. No more propaganda. Just the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. And you know, that telepathic network is more like the World Wide Web than the Internet, because it allows for images and sounds, not just dialog. Presentation is a big part of communication.
Anyway, I thought, and here I am discussing this with aliens, you know, just one while the others listened in because, well, it's mind blowing enough as it is. Maybe we should begin to set up the World Wide Telepathic Web, you know, establish it. Practice it. Conceptualize it so that it's ready to go when it becomes time to do it, or whenever it becomes really necessary. So we tried out a little here and there. And, well, you know, it seemed sort of corny at the time to compare it with broadcasting. Like a network. But, well, have to start somewhere. And, well, starting with familiar as possible might not be the worst way to go. So, as, mmm, boots on the ground so to speak, somebody with an absolutely human perspective, I volunteered to help with research and development. I mean, by then I'd known the aliens for a long, long time.
Well, that meant that I would have to sort of study broadcasting, get some experience with it. And the alien networking made that possible. Hey. Under those circumstances, no fortune. No fame. Nothing like that. Just networking. Information sharing. Ideas. You'd be surprised how much broadcast people are looking for content. And how many of them want to help the world. A lot of people go into broadcasting with that idea in mind, you know? Maybe some of them will remember me from over the decades where we bumped into each other. Maybe they won't. Doesn't matter. I don't want it to seem like I'm trying to hitch a ride on anyone's coat tails or anything. Besides, it's the professionals who put the real magic into these ideas that I had now and then. Not me. They can take a sow's ear and make it into a silk purse. Not me.
Alright. I gotta move on to other things for now. You've been listening to KDOG, Radio Free America. My name is Po Man Sings, and we've been brought to you by Alien Technologies. By the way, thanks to all of our whistle blowers who are participating in The Justice Drive. Don't forget to thank the UFO Police for keeping you and your families safe from the vast right wing conspiracy. KDOG, we'll be around...

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