Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Our Listening Audience

KDOG, Radio Free America is what underground radio is all about. Hello everyone, your listening to the world's only broadcast that comes to you via Alien Technology, I'm Po Man Sings, and I thought I'd explain a little about our program to all of you new listeners out there.
Remember that although this is coming directly into your head, you can simply ask not to be included, or ask to listen at some other time. We're not NASA here, we don't force our program on anybody.
So far, we have a very select group of listeners which includes members of Congress, people from the media, and a whole host of other interested parties world wide. Our broadcast is also heard on The Alien Network. Imagine that. The aliens have a network. They have their own programming. They get earth programming as well. Will they ever be syndicated here in this world? I don't know. But they've been helping in our own media affairs from behind the scenes forever now.
Welcome to KDOG, Radio Free America, where every day, ev-ery day, we're working to bring down the vast right wing conspiracy.
You republicans in congress, you empowered these neocons in their bid to take over the country and the world. How do you feel about that? How do you feel about, say, torture? Why do you allow them to torture us with their high tech weapons everyday? NASA needs to be investigated, along with the NSA and the CIA. The whole damned executive branch. That's where we're headed. And let me tell you, everybody better get on one side or the other. You think that NASA and the NSA have better surveillance technology than the aliens? Forget it. They've had this conspiracy under watch forever now. What to do about it was the question.
Invade or what? You don't think that aliens would be politically savvy enough to know how that would look? You know, to just whack a bunch or traitors and Nazi spies, who just so happen to be a former and a current president, vice president, secretary of state and so on? You know, if they took out those space based assets with which they torture us and all of the people in Gulag E, well, they could find themselves at war with America. They don't want that. But they haven't been allowed to tell their side of the story. Why? Because these terrorists will take it out on the innocent public. They use the public as a hostage. How do you feel about that Congress?
Why? Why, because the have Big Money energy concerns. Alien technology could do away with dependence on oil altogether. They might revolutionize transportation. They may even reinvent health care. And these people who are in control of everything now and sucking up all that gravy don't want to loose out. So they're demanding that any alien technology be given exclusively to them and no one else. But the aliens don't like them. And these people don't like the aliens one bit. They go out of their way to make sure that people are afraid of alien contact. Way out of their way. Dark funding, you know. Somebody tell me what the CIA's budget looks like or what the money is used for. Nobody can.
So, the story is that public alien contact couldn't happen until we get rid of the vast right wing conspiracy control freaks. After that diplomacy with other worlds can begin. But these psychopaths running the world would just as soon start world war three as allow the aliens to get away with doing business with whomever they please.
Let me tell you, Congress. Venezuela has a much better chance at receiving alien technology that you do, currently. Chavez is workable. America isn't workable. And don't think that the aliens have to stand for your pet Nazi terrorists either. Did you know that they can turn off nukes? In fact they have, and that's even been documented by witnesses. See Greer's Disclosure site. But now here's something that you don't know. Not only can they keep missile systems from firing, they can de-enrich plutonium. Got that? No nukes at all. None. Zip.
Thanks for listening to KDOG, Radio Free America. Heavy stuff, isn't it? We'll be around...

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