Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Hangin' Out

Po Man Sings:
Hello everybody, you're listening to KDOG, Radio Free America. We're just hanging out around the station this morning. You know, we just sort of wing it around here we never know what's going to happen.
Hippy Guy:
That's right, man.
Po Man Sings:
We live here at the station.
Hippy Guy:
What I want to know is how come I always end up doing the dishes.
Po Man Sings:
You'll be rewarded in heaven.
Hippy Guy:
Yeah, that's what my former employer used to tell me. Oh well, I could use the good karma. Besides, we gotta eat. Speakin' of which, I'm gonna make some coffee.
Po Man Sings:
Don't eat the coffee. Remember what happened the last time.
Hippy Guy:
You just had to bring that up, eh? Listeners, don't ever put instant coffee in horse capsules and swallow them. You never forget anything. I told you, I was like 16 when that happened. I was sick all day.
Po Man Sings:
Ok, ok. Just kidding. While you make some coffee, I'll do... What? The political thing.
Hippy Guy:
It's your thing.
Po Man Sings:
Was reading some political stuff this morning and came across an article about a bunch of former intelligence people who seem to believe that Bush is nuts. We've talked about that a lot on the show. Here's a guy who has his pants tailored to look as though he's bow legged. Well, they look that way. So I'm guessing it's an image thing. Now, you know, democrats spend hundreds of dollars on haircuts. And the republicans make a big deal about it. Even though republicans spend thousands on make-up. Make-up. Well, have you noticed that most of them would be fools to pay so much for a hair cut because they don't have much hair left anyway. So they go for the make up. Thousands of dollars. But the press goes on about the haircuts. What does that tell us?
Have you ever seen the photo of George Herbert Walker Bush without his toupee? Oh, God. He really looks creepy. And I'm thinking, that's why his hair always looked like he had a dead cat on top of his head. Could be. Hey! George! What a shocking bad hat. That's why we call him Hairy Hat. Hairy Hat, upon which a dead cat sat. Poor old, poor old Hairy Hat. Who smells as if the dead cat shat.
George is always around here you know. The big mystery is why he won't leave. Not like he's wanted here or anything. Not like he does anything but piss us off. But he won't go away. He says that Dick Cheney makes him stay here. So, sometimes we just make him part of the show. Nowhere else, ladies and gentlemen, will you be able to hear stuff like this. We stopped allowing him on the show after he tried to bump us off the last few times though. "Take yourself! Take yourself!" Just because we were upset about something. Isn't it a crime to tell some disabled person with mental issues to hurt themselves? I think it is. The UFO Police got a little upset with him for that. So did we. So we stopped making him part of the show, except by necessity the "Keeping the Beast at Bay" segments when we're trying to, you know, have a private moment of one kind or another and he becomes really aggressive. That's when we , heh, heh, heh, just open the mic. You know, just taking a shower and George starts making vile conversation and making obscene noises and stuff, and I'm like, tell Congress all about it George. Go ahead. I'm busy.
Now, is it really George Bush or one of his alter personalities? Well, I certainly think so.
By the way, you're listening to KDOG Radio Free America, brought to you by Alien Technologies. Every day we're bringing down the vast right wing conspiracy. We hope that you're having a great time wherever you are and whatever your doing.
It's time for some coffee, so for the moment, back to the music. KDOG. We'll be around...
Music: Electromagnetism by Human Radio

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